Wednesday, July 20, 2011

New Stick Figure debuts on Paper Temptress Blog and Web Site

The back side view.
Stick Figures are paper art dolls on a stick. My ATC from last week spurred me to go full size on the sticks and make a new doll for my collection. This one is called Winnifred and she's a whole new breed of princess.

Check out my post on Paper Temptress blog for more details on how their luscious card stock made this stick figure come to life.

I've been steady rocking the new web site and would love for you to visit me their too.

There's a new Renew This Book! page about more ideas for content in your journal and sample pages. The Stick Figure gallery has been updated to add Winnifred and My Career Coaching page has been revised with links to workshops that are available now.

In the studio this week I have filmed and edited three new videos that will be posted soon so stay tuned.