Friday, March 1, 2013

Long time no see journal pages

Used upcycled chip board for front and back covers.
I was asked the other day if I was still art journaling.  The art journal has become so much a part of me that I have neglected to mention it on the blog for some time now. So, here’s where I am this year:

·         I made my own spiral bound journal with the Zutter™

·         I adore using this journal with all the cool insert pages I put inside

·         I average 45 minutes daily writing, working, playing in my journal

·         I’m still more of a writer than an full page artwork kind of journal keeper

·         I have been experimenting more with original drawings and different mediums like Pan Pastels™
My only full page entry so far this year--
she is Naomi Jean.

Here are some recent pages from my “of course I’m still journaling” Journal.  Stay mighty-- arm yourselves with pens my fearless ones!
This is the bossy sitcom lady listing my pointless
complaints about the world, for example,
 knowing the difference between a butter knife
 and a table knife.
Yes--there is still time to register for the FREE wreath class in West Palm Beach.

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